Categories for Design
Maps and Things
Life deals a lot of cards. You ever play that card game as a kid, War? It’s simple and tedious and can take hours to finish. Just when it seems to end, the weight of the game completely changes and it can continue on for another hour. I’ve been working on this map for a… View Article
New Game Idea
I recently got a full-time job working as an IT Director at a local school and church. It’s such a change of pace from what I thought I’d be doing when I got out of college. I have to say, I’m very grateful for the work, but part of me feels lost. Every night, I… View Article
A Nice Accident
A few months ago, I started working for Pack-N-Move, a local business that helps the elderly transition or downsize from one residence to another. I began speaking to the owner about the project and during some email correspondence I accidentally sent her the above image that I was illustrating for another potential client. She loved… View Article
Remembering Adam Adamowicz
Last week, one of my favorite concept artists, Adam Adamowicz, passed away after succumbing to cancer. For those who don’t know, he helped design the worlds of Fallout 3 and Skyrim, both of which are not just amazingly fun, but rich and immersive. I was such a huge fan of his work, that I bought… View Article
Tutorials Completed: Icons and UI
My Favorite Sketches of the Week
I will be glad to accept scanners as a donation from anyone willing to buy things for me. Generosity need not reason…?