Tag Archive: for sale
For Sale: The Death Knell of the Nautilus
Aye and avast. The Kracken cometh for all ye sailors above and below the surface of the blue deep. Get the last piece of the Nautilus before it sinks forever lost in the watery underworld. Purchase as a T-shirt, poster, mugs, and more at RedBubble. Black-line Drawing. Gold-line drawing. White-line drawing.

For Sale: FanBoy
The latest – and final – piece in my Fallout parody series. Available for sale on Redbubble.

Duct Hunt
What’s your favorite part of Fallout 4? Mine is the Duct Hunt. Gotta get that adhesive to craft pretty much everything. On sale at Redbubble.

The Warhol Wanderer: Aluminum
My latest work, “The Warhol Wanderer: Aluminum,” is now available on Redbubble. If you don’t get the reference, you should play some video games.