Categories for Illustration
For Sale: FanBoy
The latest – and final – piece in my Fallout parody series. Available for sale on Redbubble.

Duct Hunt
What’s your favorite part of Fallout 4? Mine is the Duct Hunt. Gotta get that adhesive to craft pretty much everything. On sale at Redbubble.

The Warhol Wanderer: Aluminum
My latest work, “The Warhol Wanderer: Aluminum,” is now available on Redbubble. If you don’t get the reference, you should play some video games.

Sketchbook Dump
Some mostly junk. 🙂
New Print for Sale: Pho? Sho!
I made a new t-shirt design. This one is an old idea I’ve had ruminating for awhile, but never took the time to illustrate (aren’t I punny?). Head over to my RedBubble page for this and other designs by me, or buy directly, or just click on the image below and take a gander…. View Article
Prints for Sale: Edgar Allen Poe’s Inkwell
Got the final version of my latest masterpiece finished. Some last minute tweaks really make the image and I’m glad I took my time with this one. If you would like to buy a print on your surface of choice, just visit my page on Redbubble: