The Art of Video Games

April 11, 2012 7:02 am

I had the pleasure of seeing “The Art of Video Games” exhibit at the Smithsonian and I cried tears of joy. It was really amazing to see all these old games that I grew up playing alongside of all the new games that I still play today being respected by the hallowed institute.

The exhibit started with a general history of games and some concept art on the walls. One pair of drawings were from Adam Adamowicz who recently passed. Awesome that a great contributor to to gaming can be found in the first (that I know of) exhibit on the subject.

After that, you’re ushered into a room with large projector screens and booths where you can play a variety of classic or artistically driven games including Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros, Myst, and Flower. I got a chance to play Super Mario and impressed a small gathering of children by reaching world 8 in the few minutes that the booth allows each person to play. I am very cool.

The next room was literally a collection of a bunch of gaming consoles. I took pictures of all of them, but figured that it would be a little bit too much. Anyway, I don’t want to talk too much and kind of feel like I’ve already done too much of that. So here are some choice pictures from “The Art of Video Games.”