Blog 2.0

July 9, 2011 7:32 pm

As the final semester of school came to a close, my original blog over at WordPress, saw less and less updating. This is in part due to the huge workload I put on myself, but also because I stopped caring. After a day of going to classes, followed by work at one of my part-time jobs, followed by hour long phone calls providing tech support to the company I interned for, followed by long nights of non-stop homework and finally, some three to four hours of sleep… the last thing I wanted to do was login to WordPress’ slow service, overflowing with options.

In addition, everything I was doing in real life was far more interesting. I didn’t think I would care about finishing college, but I suddenly found myself going out with schoolmates and spending time on extracurricular activities, something I had never considered doing before. It’s not that I was ever anti-social. I was just really bitter about the education system in general for a lot of ivory towered philosophical reasons, causing me to avoid being on campus for any amount of time other than what my class schedule dictated. Those reasons didn’t go away in my last semester, they just took a back seat to a newfound appreciation for what can still be appreciated about the large circus that higher education is.

After school was over, my professional attitudes about regularly updating did not return to me. Since I don’t like the idea of posting anything personal often (even if it is just to clutter my page with “look at me on the beach!”), I just didn’t post anything at all for at least two months. I did go to the beach though. I took two weeks to visit family. I also spent a lot of time reading and finishing War and Peace. I played LA Noire. And I built and rebuilt my personal portfolio website. I’ve also been working on learning to program and design apps for Android, as well as brainstorming a game to make using Unity. All in all, it’s been pretty relaxing though. Being out of school releases a lot of stress. While the search for a “real” job is stressful in its own way, I don’t find it anywhere near as dramatic. So I guess it’s time to update my daily memoirs again. I have a lot of ideas swimming around as to what would make this entertaining for me and others. Instead of just posting random drawings, I was thinking I could post game/movie reviews, small animations or comics, even some of my satirical political rants.

First things first though: no more WordPress. I’m completely serious regarding my criticism that it is entirely too slow and does way too much for what I’ll be using it for. So, as you see now, I will be resurrecting my Blogger account! I haven’t so much as looked at this thing since I was forced to write a post for a class I took in which I learned an incredible amount of very difficult material… such as “How to Post a Blog.” Somehow, I got a B.

Anyway, I’ve further decided that to resist Google on any front would be just plain stupid and futile, so I’m assimilating. And to be completely truthful, they could club baby seals in front of crying infants if they wanted to and I would still use everything they made. Their services are that good. I wouldn’t think about it much longer than I would think about slipping on my sweatshop-made Nike shoes. Oh wait, Google doesn’t do that. Hmm, a monopoly suddenly doesn’t seem so bad by comparison, does it?

So Blogger it is for now. The old blog is still up and I may play around with it every now and then, but by and large it is an archive at this point. A new chapter of my life, deserves a new digital chapter online as well.  So follow the sad story of an artist with mediocre writing skills, looking for a job, who possesses a love for cartoons, video games, and all things nerdy.

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