Most Art is [Bird] Poop

April 5, 2011 7:12 pm

A lot of people like to sit around arguing whether a piece of art is really art or not. I think the argument isn’t so much what is art, but what is good or bad art. Getting caught up in what it is, is just a way to get trapped in a rhetorical game of self-contradictions and circular arguments. So let the artseers have it. Its all art. Whatever they claim is art, is art. I would argue that all art is some sort of creation. So by that logic, I can allow the esoteric art world have what they want, and then I can judge the value or quality of how it was made. Plop a urinal on the ground? Excellent art. Why? It displays awesome slacker/bull-shitting skill. Only a true BS-er would dare do something so bold. Mona Lisa? Excellent art. Why? Leonardo painted it with great technical skill and dedication. Thomas Kinkade? Excellent art. Commercial skill. A computer monitor? Excellent art. Factory and engineering skills. Wait a minute… this doesn’t work either. Wal-mart products? Excellent art. Above average failure rate of products skill. Seriously takes skill to suck that bad.

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